
Training & Impartation

The great assembly. The body of believers. The convening of leaders. God is present in these places. At Pastors Assembly we aim to impart and train you, the pastor, with practical resources for your sphere of ministry.

Explore topics like:

  • Building a team
  • Stewarding finances
  • Leading to last
  • Creating attractive cultures
  • Following the spirit
  • Crafting your voice

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you — that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:11-12

Relive the Moment

Leading the way

Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson are the pastors of VOUS Church and the founders of VOUSCon. Since 2010, VOUSCon has gathered leaders from around the world, designed to encounter God, equip the church, and empower next-generation leaders. In 2015, Rich and DawnCheré launched VOUS Church, rooted in the message of Jesus, with one mission — to bring those who are far from God close to him.

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Watch PA 2024



Rise and Grind:
Confessions of a Church Planter

In Matthew 28, Jesus gives us the great commission — the call as leaders — to go and make disciples. In return, he promises to be with us. Before we are church pastors, we are church builders. We are called to build God’s church, brick by brick. In this workshop, we will explore what it looks like to build from the trenches, love a community, lead a staff, and steward our souls.

Panelists: David Hughes, John Termini, Pastor Terrance Wilson

Say It Better:
The Art of Preaching

The art of communication is a lifelong journey. Good communicators never “arrive” — we are always becoming better, continually learning and fine-tuning the skill. Learn communication best practices, as well as ways to identify and develop communicators around you.

Panelists: Manny Arango, Bianca Olthoff, Denny Duron

Your Better Half:
Leading With Your Spouse

What does it look like to steward marriage and ministry? Equally as important as stewarding the church is stewarding your own home. From your relationship to your children, to the rhythm of your union, in this workshop, we will explore what it looks like to lead with your spouse, for better or worse.

Speakers: Vance & Kim Roush, Taylor & Kristen Wilkerson

Every Dollar Needs a Name:
Getting Your Church to Financial Freedom

Every decision we make is one of stewardship. With every choice, we have an opportunity to determine what we will do with what God has placed in our hands. Discover practical handles around finances, managing a budget, and financial reporting.

Speakers: Mark Pettus, Robbie Hilton





Prices increase Wednesday, January 24 @ 11:59PM EST